The firm provides a full range of engineering services including:
- City Master Planning and Studies for Public Roadways
- Transportation Systems and Roadway Planning and Design
- Roadway, Street, and Sidewalk
- Utility Systems Planning and Design
- Culinary Water
- Sanitary Sewer
- Storm Drainage and Flood Control
- Irrigation
- Parks, Trails, Recreation Areas
- Architectural Design
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Development & Subdivision (Site Planning and Design, Review)
- Water Rights, Dam Safety, Stream Alterations
- Public Works Standards, City Ordinances & Technical Specifications
- Capital Facilities Plans and Impact Fee Studies Preparations
- Capital Facilities Projects
- Construction Management Services
The capability of the firm allows total project management from initial conceptual planning through design, bidding, and construction management. The mission of the firm is “to provide proficient and cost effective municipal engineering services which will improve the quality of life and environment for the local area.”